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Wade Guyton Untitled


Artwork Factory


Wade Guyton took a screenshot, edited it digitally, and then had it printed on his inkjet printer: on a white primed canvas. Sometimes the ink nozzles got clogged, streaks and drops appeared, smudged, and in the end the printer pushed the wet canvas across the floor of the studio.

Zugehörige Module

Wade Guyton wrestles with technology. He feeds pages from art catalogs and huge canvas panels into the inkjet printer and prints them with color fields and signs, with scans and cellphone snapshots.

Talk about it

Which role is assumed in the picture by the artist and which by the machine?


To what does the artist aim to draw attention with this kind of production?

Wade Guyton abuses his printer, feeds it with materials, data and commands that exceed the limits of its capability, thus provoking the unforeseeable, which he then integrates into his art: for example, jams or other mishaps that can be solved only manually.


Even the largest printer is too small for the large formats that Wade Guyton wants to paint. He uses a trick to get the large canvases through the device. Can you tell what it is?

"I’m always looking at the computer. I make all of my work on the computer at some point or another. Almost all of the paintings come from a file."

Wade Guyton



What does it mean for painting to make common cause with digital media and machines?

Delve deeper

Artist Factory

Artist Wade Guyton

was born in Hammond, Indiana, USA, in 1972.