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Lucy McKenzie Rebecca, 2019


Artwork Factory


A painted mannequin is at the center of this picture. She is placed in an interior full of specially-designed objects. Marble, wooden and silky materials. A book about the dramatic staging of fashion. And a map of Glasgow, Lucy McKenzie’s birthplace, which is hung as wallpaper.

Zugehörige Module

Look closely

We are immersed in a surreal psychodrama; at the same time we are captivated by the photorealistically-painted surfaces.


What other details are hidden in this painting? Can you decipher what connection they have to each other?

Explained briefly

It is evident from this oil painting that Lucy McKenzie trained in trompe-l’oeil painting, the art of deceiving the eye, in Brussels. Rebecca and the space surrounding her have been painted with technical perfection and meticulous care. Lucy is both artist and craftswoman.


Can the boundaries between art, craftsmanship and design be seen clearly in the works of Lucy McKenzie? Or are these three areas inseparable? What does this mean for understanding the making of art?

Get creative

Creative project Factory

Creative project Puzzling spaces

Create your own invisible rooms with puzzles, symbols and codes.

Lucy draws inspiration from art, history, everyday life and fashion. Rebecca is a hybrid. Her head is based on a plaster cast from the archive of the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels, where Lucy lives. But instead of marble white, her face is adorned with make-up and red lipstick. Her body is that of a fashion doll dressed in a 1930s couture dress by the designer Madeleine Vionnet.

Ponder this

Rebecca and the surface of the painting are stiff, inaccessible and smooth. What is hidden behind the façade?

Talk about it

What place does a woman occupy in fashion and design in the 20th century? What body image underlies her presentation?

Lucy is not only precise when painting, but she has also researched the details of the picture with scientific accuracy. The exploration of historical and cultural contexts is part of her art.

Delve deeper

Artwork Factory

Artwork Atelier E.B (Lucy McKenzie und Beca Lipscombe), Faux Shop, 2018

“Faux Shop” is a sculptural installation and at the same time a shop window for a fashion collection. The shop window mimics a women's clothing store. Lucy McKenzie painted the marbled parts of the installation herself in an illusionistic manner. Like moving ghosts, the clothes were either pinned to the walls, placed in the display, or suspended dynamically from wires. The clothes are from Atelier E.B, a collaborative fashion label and research studio that Lucy McKenzie runs with designer Beca Lipscombe.