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In This Terrible Moment We Are All Victims of an Environment That Refuses to Acknowledge the Soul

Artwork Factory


In the more than eight-meter-long mirrored shelf, 27,639 tablets are lined up, placed carefully next to each other in precisely defined positions. If you take a closer look at the pills, you can’t help but risk a glance in the mirror yourself: Do we also believe that we can treat every illness and every ailment with a suitable pill?

Zugehörige Module

Damien Hirst breaks with taboos in his work: he addresses his own mortality, aging, death. He redesigned this showcase into a medicine cabinet. He has painted thousands of tablets individually by hand in bright, cheerful colors.

The precise position of each single pill is important to Damien Hirst. Over the course of four weeks, between four and six members of the museum’s staff arranged the hand-made tablets.

Talk about it

Has medicine become a substitute religion? Is the medicine cabinet becoming a new altar?

Ponder this

Is art more powerful than money?

"Art always has that power to make you think twice, to think again, to not know where you are, to lose your bearings."

Damien Hirst


Delve deeper

Artist Factory

Artist Damien Hirst

was born in Bristol, UK, in 1965.