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Found objects!

Creative project Factory

Key data

Technique: Three dimensional design
I can do alone: Yes
Required time: < 45 minutes
Locations: Home, Workroom
Theme worlds: (Hi)stories, Text & Image


Turn old into new! Some works of art are created from discarded and found things. In the work, they then appear in a completely new context or are given a new function. Their signs of use tell stories from the past. In this project, you’ll go in search of found objects and reassemble them in a sculpture.

Instructions for making it yourself

You will need

  •  found objects
  • wire
  • nails
  • thread
  • liquid paint
  • plaster



  • light source
  • smartphone

Step 1

Go in search of discarded boxes, wood, pipes, whatever you can find.

Step 2

Assemble the found objects into a shape.

Use plaster and a color of your choice as glue and bonding.


What meaning does your chosen color have for you?


Alternative (without plaster and paint):

  • Assemble your found objects and connect them, if necessary, with string, wire, or sticky tape.
  • Then illuminate them with a strong light source: Your “sculpture” is created as a shadow! Take a picture of them with your smartphone.

Writing prompt

How about a story made from found objects? Watch the video to learn how!

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Video Schreibimpulse - Gefundene Geschichte(n)

"White paint is my marble."

Cy Twombly


Ponder this

What effect does the white “countenance” of Cy Twombly’s sculptures have?

Consider this

What effect does white paint have? What associations do you make with the color white?


Cy Twombly created and named his works after places, people, feelings, or drew inspiration from history and mythology.


What inspired your sculpture?

What do you call it?


Learn more about “found objects” and the role they play in the work of artist Alexandra Bircken:

Delve deeper

Artist Factory

Artist Cy Twombly

was born in Lexington, Virginia, USA, in 1928 and died in Rome in 2011.

Delve deeper

Artwork Factory

Artwork Cy Twombly, Untitled (Gaeta), 1992

In layers, Cy Twombly has applied oil paint, wax crayon, and handwritten text to this three-piece wooden support. Four dark purple shapes, reminiscent of floating boats, come to the fore. But there is no horizon or clearly defined landscape. Rather, the image consists of overlapping strokes, drops, and lines.